
Why Homes in Dearborn Michigan Need Roofing Felt Under Their Shingles

Why Homes in Dearborn Michigan Need Roofing Felt Under Their Shingles

Roofing felts are protective gears that roofers install between shingles and roof deck. Homes in Dearborn Michigan need roofing felt under their shingles. This kind of roof protection is mostly accepted. Though there are several suggestions that felt are unnecessary, and that it is harmful to the home. However, this article will make us know if felts are needed in the installation of a new roofing system or not. Before making use of certain roofing materials for your roofing system, it is advisable that you discuss with your roofer to know if the material is worth using.

Vital Information About Why Homes in Dearborn Michigan Need Roofing Felt

Before installing a shingle on a roof, roofers use felt paper as a protective barrier. This coating alone is huge protection against moisture. It also upgrades the fire resistance of a building. If there is any leak trying to penetrate your roofing system, the paper felt will trap the moisture before the water gets inside your home. In addition, manufacturer warranties and building codes recommend felt paper to be installed on the roof beneath the shingles.

How Roofing Felt Can Work Effectively

Moisture protection in your home is best when the roof is in perfect condition. Using felt is far better than nailing the shingles into the roofing decks below. This is why most professional roofers and roof inspectors are skeptical about the vital nature of felt paper.

There are slim chances that new roof installation would be better without the usage of felt paper if other materials are properly installed. However, roofing projects would be safer and more effective when felt papers are used as part of the installation.

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Complications with Overheated Roofs

There are roof issues that come up with overheated roofs which could come up with the usage of felt paper for installing new roofs in the neighborhood. Roofing felt paper trap heat between the roof deck and shingles. This alone cuts down the lifespan of a roofing system. It also reduces the value of your investment in the new roof.

A roof is meant to protect individuals living inside the home from the element. However, another problem can be generated when heat is trapped in the roof. This would harm your home’s roofing, and reduce its lifespan (durability).


Some roofers tend to save money by adding another layer of roof shingles to your home. However, this would also develop overheating complications in your home. Aside from skipping the work of tearing off your shingles, the second layer only traps heat and voids your warranty for the new shingles. Additionally, multiple layers of shingles would make fixing a leaky roof difficult. Though roofing felt paper might be a real solution during shingles installation projects.

However, you may not need this product for functional reasons. Therefore, homeowners in Dearborn Michigan need roofing contractors who are professionals and who know when this material should apply in a roofing project or not.