
What Makes a Roofing Contractor the Best for Your Bloomfield, MI Home?

What Makes a Roofing Contractor the Best for Your Bloomfield, MI Home

What makes the best roofing contractors in Bloomfield, Michigan? There are objective measurements like the number of customers, 5-star ratings on Google, or BBB ratings.  You can gauge a roofing contractor’s success by the years they’ve been in business and the variety of professional roofing services they offer.

But once you’ve covered all the bases, how do you choose the best roofing contractor for you? Each partnership between a homeowner and their roofing team is a personal choice. You need more than roofers who know what they’re doing – you need roofers who communicate with you, who know the neighborhood, and who leave you at the end of every service confident that every important detail was covered and the entire invoice neatly accounted for.

How do you identify the best Bloomfield Michigan roofers for your home and roofing needs? Let’s dive into the important points you can look for, ask about, and identify through experience.

1) Proximity to Your Home

One of the most important things about local roofing contractors is that they truly be local. Homeowners who live in communities adjacent to a large city are often included in wide service areas, but the roofers themselves could be headquartered more than an hour away. This leads to delayed services and long travel times. 

Instead, look for roofing contractors located right here in Bloomfield or in a nearby town only a few minutes away. Local roofing contractors can get to your home quickly in emergencies and have no trouble fitting your services. They can easily fit your service into a busy schedule or help you find the perfect future date to book your service.

A nearby roofing team will also be more familiar with the homes in your neighborhood including the exact architectural styles and roofing materials used. They may already know exactly how to treat your home and well-established teams could have even roofed your home with a previous owner.

2) Quotes You Can Read and Understand

Every roofing contractor writes quotes differently. The items included in the quote, how they are listed, and what is considered a bonus item can vary from brand to brand. Look for Blomfield, MI roofing contractors who write quotes that you can easily understand.

Transparency is the most important trait in a roofing quote – clearly listing the services, materials, optional choices, and taxes so that you fully understand the reasons behind the total cost. A good quote can also give you an idea of potential costs for decisions you have yet to make, helping you make more informed decisions before finalizing your roofing service.

Ask to go over your quote with a roofing professional and have each element explained. Ask questions and take notes on the answers. If you feel confident that you understand the quote and can make an informed decision, you’re working with a good roofing team.

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3) Licensed, Certified, and Insured

The best roofers in town will also have all their paperwork and assurances in place. Licensed and certified roofers ensure that only skilled and experienced teams are working on your roof. Insurance provides you with coverage just in case of disaster, delays, or defective products. Warranties protect your roofing investment in case there are any concerns down the road.

When it comes to choosing your home’s ideal roofers, every one of your top options should be licensed, certified, and insured. This total assurance is a minimum requirement for being your Bloomfield home’s best roofers.

4) Help You Find Financing for Roofing Needs

Financing is a big deal when it comes to residential roofing. The roof is one of the largest elements of your home and therefore can require an investment for big repairs or reinstallation. If your home finances don’t cover the full cost, your roofers should be ready for this. The best roofing contractors have financial partners ready to help you. Many offer a variety of roof financing packages, partners, or options so you can choose whatever best suits your current roofing needs.

Whether you need to finance emergency repairs or are investing in a new roof, you can get financing. Talk to your roofing contractor candidates about the financing options they can help you with. The best roofers in your area will have connections to local lenders ready to offer roofing-specific loans at forgiving rates. 

One of the things that builds long-term relationships between homeowners and roofers is access to roof-based financing. Dedicated local roofers will help you get you find the right financing for your needs, with advice on how to optimize deals based on your best interests.

5) Responsive Communication and Open Channels

Communication is key when large home projects are planned. As the homeowner, you need a clear channel of communication with your roofers. There should be both an office-based customer service line and you should have access to the leader of your home’s roofing team. Homeowners should feel comfortable asking questions of their roofers and checking in on the progress as the project is completed.

During initial communication, you can determine if a roofing team is friendly and good at communication or distant and elusive. Look for teams who have someone ready to talk, and then roofers who are ready to talk about the details when you ask. Choose roofers who answer your questions and explain things in ways you quickly understand.

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6) No-Surprise Billing that Meets Your Quote

Some things you learn after your first exchange with a team of roofers, or by hearing about a friend’s previous experience with them. Billing should always line up with the quote. Of course, there are usually some variations between the original estimate and the final number. However, none of the differences should be a surprise or outside of your expected expense range.

If you want to see ahead on this before your first service, check testimonials and detailed online reviews. If people are dissatisfied with billing, they will say so. Some will even take the time to praise a well-structured quote and satisfactorily matching bill, though it’s against tradition to share the exact details.

7) Match Shingles or Help You Find Equivalent

When your home’s roof is repaired, shingle matching is essential. You need shingles of the same color shade that look close enough in shape and texture to blend with the other shingles. In some neighborhoods, it may even be necessary to perfectly match your shingles with the rest of the homes on your street when installing a new roof.

Great roofers will help you make this happen with dedicated and personal effort. The best Bloomfield, MI roofing contractors for your home will be able to match your roof. If your shingles have been discontinued, they will go the extra mile to help you find a close-matching current shingle to get as close to identical as possible.

8) Positive Reputation on BBB

Online reputation does matter for roofing contractors, but be careful where you get your information. GMB (Google Business and Google Maps business listings) is great for quick info, personal stories, and popular opinion. But if you want a professional gague of a busines, check out the BBB. 

BBB stands for the Better Business Bureau. It gives an A+ to F rating to businesses based on some basic performance metrics. The two most important factors to the BBB are age of the business and number of submitted complaints. Businesses that are established with little to no complaints get A-range ratings. Unestablished businesses or with a few complaints are in the B range and so on.

9) Long History in the Community

The BBB weighs a business by history for a reason. The longer a business has been in the region, the more they learn and the more connections they build. Roofing contractors who have a long history in Bloomfield, Michigan will also have a stronger relationship with the community and have achieved some success filling the roofing needs of the community.

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Established roofers have proven that they can provide roofing of quality and reliability to stay in business and grow over the years.

10) Referrals and Recommendations from Neighbors

Often, you will learn about the best local roofing contractors through word-of-mouth. Your neighbors who have enjoyed working with a great team of roofers may give you a recommendation. If you have family in the area, they are likely to recommend roofers who work exceptionally well with them.

Roofers recommended by your neighbors, friends, and family are more likely to also be a good choice for you. They will understand your home and it’s roofing needs, and they are already vetted by people whose judgement you trust. If your relatives or friends say that a team of roofers was fast, professional, and held up clear communication – of course you will want to aim for the same enjoyable roofing experience.

11) Communicates Opportunities to Save on Deals or Scheduling

Some businesses focus on directing customers to the most lucrative sales. The best roofers for you, however, will have your best interests at heart. They will guide you toward available deals, discounts, and the best available warranties. Roofers who are on your side will let you know if a slight schedule change could earn you a discount or if a particular brand of shingles is a lower cost for higher quality.

The best Bloomfield roofers to work with in the long-term are those who help you year-after-year to get the best value for your roofing schedule and needs.

12) Satisfactory Warranties

Last but not least, let’s talk warranties. Roof installations can come with warranties from sevearl layers of production. Shingle manufacturers will offer limtied warranties for the lifespan and quality of their products. Roofing contractors may offer warranties to guarantee the quality and results of their work. Look for beneficial warranties, long warranties, and warranties that include handy follow-up inspections for long-term roof care.

Finding the right roofers for your Bloomfield, MI home is a personal choice that every homeowner must make. The best team will be those who communicate well, quote accurately, are nearby to your home, and who are looking out for your best interests. If you’d like to consult with our roofers or schedule a preliminary inspection, we would be honored to be your Bloomfield roofing team. Contact us today, we look forward to hearing from you.