Lawn and Snow Removal

How to Properly Insure Lawn Care and Snow Removal Services in Downriver MI.

How to Properly Insure Lawn Care and Snow Removal Services in Downriver MI.

In winter, snow and ice removal is a lucrative business to start. However, when starting lawn care and snow removal services in Downriver MI., you need to know how to insure your business properly. Having your lawn care and snow removal business well-insured can clog your wheel of progress. Here are some steps everyone must know before going into lawn care and snow removal service.

What to Know Before Starting Lawn Care and Snow Removal Services in Downriver MI.

These are some expert tips before opening your lawn care and snow removal services in Downriver MI. Apply them, and you will be on a pathway to success in your business.

1. Consult With an Insurance Advisor

To avoid unwanted gaps in your work, be plain with your scope of work. What methods are you applying? Are you sanding, plowing, shovelling, snow blowing, or clearing roofs? Will you be providing services for residential or commercial properties? Do your clients require any special terms in their contracts? Discuss with your advisor, and he can put you through. Also, if you have already developed your business contract, you can show it to your advisor for your perusal.

 2. List Your Service Vehicle(s) on A Commercial Auto Policy

Every vehicle used for lawn care and snow removal services should be listed on the commercial auto policy that covers your operations. Incidents could occur while plowing or providing a lawn care service. If the vehicle in use is not specifically covered for these operations, it could stir up an issue for the business owner. Therefore, listing landscape as the only class of business is not advised. Avoid unwanted coverage gaps by stating clearly the operations carried out by the vehicles. There are commercial auto policies that exclude plowing coverage. In this case, you have to buy additional coverage for it.  

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3. Have A Commercial General Liability Policy

A commercial general liability policy should be in place to cover snow removal operations. Whether you are plowing, removing snow and ice from the roof, or shovelling, you should have a policy that covers the specific operations you carry out. This policy is essential for snow and ice removal operations since it covers slip and fall injuries. You cannot predict when incidents may happen. So the best guide is to ensure the commercial general liability policy is active over your business. This policy further covers payment to defend you from unwarranted claims.

4. Get Coverage for Snow Removal Equipment

For your lawn care and snow removal business, you need to purchase coverage for your equipment, such as sanders, snow blowers, and plows. Commercial auto policies offer limited coverage for attached equipment. Also, standalone general liability policies offer zero property protection for equipment and tools for your business. You must get additional coverage for your equipment and tools in case they get damaged or stolen. Provide your advisor with the model, make, serial number, and value of the equipment you want to insure. The cost of getting coverage for your equipment is based on the value of your equipment. 

5. Get a Workers Comp Policy

If you have employees performing land care or snow removal operations for your company, you must get workers’ compensation policies. These services can be dangerous at some point. Some hazards workers encounters are slipping and falling on slippery surfaces, injuries from shoveling heavy snow, and arm or hand injuries that can also be caused by trying to unclog a running snow blower. Consider getting a worker’s comp policy to cover your workers’ compensation liability limits.

See also  Techniques for Effective Snow and Ice Management in Downriver MI.


All these listed policies are essential. They help you get coverage over sudden happenings you never planned. Lawn care and snow removal services in Downriver MI. should implement these in their businesses. Finally, always consider your insurance portfolio a vital part of your lawn care and snow removal services.