
How to Install Panels Without Damaging Your Roof

How to Install Panels Without Damaging Your Roof

Is your roof suitable for installing solar panels?

One of the big questions that appear when installing a solar energy system in Farmington is to know if our home is a candidate for this type of equipment. You can decide to go up on your roof to install the panels yourself. Remember to equip and tie yourself with a safety harness to avoid falls. However, be aware that it is more prudent and strongly recommended to call a qualified professional roofing contractor in Farmington to do the roofing task.

Basic Requirement to Install Solar Panels on Roofs

Have good exposure to the sun. That is to say that there are no objects, trees, buildings, mountains, and so on that cast shade on the roof for many hours a day. A lot of countries have excellent solar radiation that allows photovoltaic systems to take advantage of and generate more clean energy.

The best thing is that the privileged geographical position of a country allows solar radiation to be converted into electricity for the home and savings for the pocket.

It should be noted that in addition to exposure to the sun, other factors such as the size of the roof or its stability also influence it.

But do not worry, roofing contractors in Farmington would ensure to check the available area to know the orientation of the roof, the area you have available and estimate if the system you require can be installed on that surface or if additional construction is needed.

It is also essential for us to know the location of the electrical wiring and the main switch box (which are required for the system to work).

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Instructions on How to Get Started

After protecting the base of our panel with paint (if it is made of wood) so that it does not suffer from atmospheric conditions (since our panel can last for years), the first thing we will do is place the solar cells that we have on the base. If you have previously made some marks, it will be easier for you. It is essential that we buy the cells without wax (it is usually used to protect them in transport since they are very delicate) since otherwise, we will have to take care of removing this wax, which is a cumbersome process.

The cells should cover both the front and back of the panel, that is, if we have 36 cells, we will put 18 on one side and 18 on the other. It is good always to have some extra cells, since they are fragile, and we can break more than one.

We must unite them together by the negative and positive poles respectively. The cells usually bring the wires or tabs to make the connection, which will make the job a lot easier. We must also weld them together so that they are well joined (you can do it with a low-power welder taking care not to damage the cell, or, if you do not want to weld, with hot-melt glue). This we will do with the cells looking down. Then, carefully, we turn them over and stick them to the panel with silicone, following the marks that will serve as a guide.

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Next, we need to protect our panel from the inclement weather, and an excellent way to do it is with a Plexiglas or any plastic sheet, which we will put and screw over our circuit.

The system also needs a blocking diode so as not to discharge at night or cloudy days.

Finally, we will connect the cables to the socket, and the panel will be ready to be used.

Are there certain types of roofs on which the installation of photovoltaic panels is impossible or complicated?

Before you start thoroughly in the project of installation of solar panels, it is necessary to check the compatibility of your roof.

The materials

The installation of photovoltaic panels can actually prove complicated or impossible on certain types of roofs. Roofing materials such as zinc, slate, shingle, tar or thatch (and all green roofs in general) are difficult to work with, and the installation of panels may damage existing roof structures.

Also, the modification of your roof by adding panels can cause problems of sealing; it can be particularly damaged on the thatched roofs, slate and zinc.


If, for the roof of your house, you have opted for insulation of the attic by “multilayer coating,” know that this coating makes it impossible to install photovoltaic panels. This is also the case for roofs of small areas because the panels occupy a minimum space of 10 m².


You must know that roofs must meet standards in weight to be eligible for the installation of solar panels, so it is advisable to inquire to know precisely the composition of your existing roof. Do a simulation on the internet to find out if you should consider such an installation.

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Check with your community, even if your roof is made of materials compatible with the installation of panels, it may refuse your permission for aesthetic reasons.

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