Healthy lawns are appealing and also offer high environmental values. However, there are inevitable mistakes that jeopardize lawn care Downriver MI. Acquiring a healthy lawn is more than just watering and mowing it regularly. If you cannot maintain and groom your lawn yourself, then it is time you hire a lawn care professional. For individuals wanting to manage their lawns themselves, here are some common mistakes you should be careful of.
Lawn Care Downriver Michigan: Mistakes Homeowners Should Avoid
As professionals in this field, we have much experience and have encountered several situations regarding lawn care. Here are mistakes to avoid if you want a healthy and environment-friendly lawn.
1. Growing the Wrong Grass or Just One Type
One of the required ingredients for a healthy lawn is variety. When sowing grass seeds, select a variety of seeds. This helps your lawn to do well, even in bad conditions like drought and heat. Several kinds of grass are meant to be doing well in different regions of the United States. Therefore, selecting the grass seeds more conducive to growing in Downriver Michigan is essential.
2. Planting Grass Where It Will Never Survive
In every healthy lawn, there should be grasses that are growing well and thriving. You cannot force grass to grow when it doesn’t germinate. Doing this will lead to wasted time, frustrations, and waste of resources. Grasses are known to be sun plants. Their growth is limited when you try to grow them in shady areas. Ground covers like hosts, pachysandra, or deadnettles would survive in shaded areas. Trying to grow grass in sun-starved areas will lead to futile attempts.
3. Mowing the Grass Too Short
Mowing too short is one dreadful mistake homeowners make in caring for their lawn. Many homeowners are too busy to do more regularly. So, they attempt to mow short to save time for the next mowing round. This concept is not healthy for your lawn. You will only end up making the root systems shallow and unable to reach deep into the soil for nutrients. This will lead to destroying the grass you so much cherish. Always trim your grass to about 2 ½ to 3 inches.
4. Using Too Much Fertilizer
Of course, fertilizers, when applied right, make the lawn grow full and thick. It allows the grass to get strong against weeds that try to take up its root. However, misapplying fertilizer is one of the mistakes affecting lawn care Downriver Mi. Many rookies apply fertilizer at the wrong time of the year. Fertilizers are meant to be applied about 4-6 times annually. Fall is another crucial time to apply fertilizer. Fertilizers are best applied when the grass is growing. Excess fertilizer often leads to burning your beautiful lawn.
5. Applying Little or Much Water
Every lawn has its own specific needs when it comes to watering. However, a rule of thumb is to assume that your lawn needs at least an inch of water per week. If it doesn’t rain, then you have to do this yourself. Setting up an irrigation system helps. Notwithstanding, it should be noted that grass needs less regular deeper watering. It gives the roots a good soak instead of frequent shallow watering.
Achieving a healthy lawn requires routine maintenance like fertilizing, mowing, weeding, and insect control. Working on your lawn yourself can be time-consuming. This is why there are local professional law care Downriver MI. You can hire them to professionally care for your lawn and bring out the beauty you long to see in your lawn.